
skills evolution lab

Based on the declared needs and the conclusions of the diagnosis, we design and manage an intervention aimed at achieving your objectives as a team.

team and leadership training

An objective look at your team allows you to discover the dynamics that are preventing you from achieving your objectives, when the team deploys its maximum potential, the results are multiplied.

Leadership by Values

Team Roles

Strategic Plans OKR,S

Design Thinking

Agile Meetings Training

Social Selling


Shadow Coaching

Proposal for


Learning as the new Team building

Learning in which experience and participation prevail... Attention to the body and emotion. When employees receive training, 70% feel more engaged. (Global Journal of Management and Business Research study).

Employee centric

Teams are the real protagonists, taking responsibility for developing their best version of themselves and displaying their creativity.

Methodology and creative resources

Completely open minded, there are no standard recipes. We start from a wide variety of resources and dynamics to achieve the objectives:

merry teams value proposition
  • Case studies and best practices
  • Games and dynamics
  • Teamwork
  • Role play
  • On-site and Online
  • Gamification, Miro, Loom, Menti

Process based on three pillars


Teams are experts in their work and sector. Facilitation provides structure and tools to organize action plans: OKRs, Design thinking, Leadership development plan.


Technological disruption requires Upskilling of employees: B2B social selling, Agile frameworks, Scrum, Kanban.

Team Coaching

Generate trust as a core value of high performance teams We will work on mission, purpose, values, culture and communication.

coaching process


and organization

Each organization has its own strategic plans, so each team will need a different roadmap.

There are only two common aspects:

Process mapping

Equipment assessment

To define the baseline. To establish the objectives. To define the indicators with which the evolution of the intervention will be measured.

Presentation of intervention proposal

- Objectives - Estimated time frame - Proposed methodologies and frameworks. Ti

Sessions with the team

Each team requires a different intervention to achieve the objectives to be achieved. Before we begin, we will identify the internal facilitators or mentors.

Measurement and analysis

It is key to maintain an effective system for tracking, monitoring and evaluating success and progress against the KPIs defined at the outset. Follow-up of action plans.

If you want to achieve better results

invest in your equipment

We are focused on the growth of organizations by working on the development of people.

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